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Rapid Training Development

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Rapid Training Development Professionals are responsible for developing training courses. Rapid training development includes five steps: Design, Analysis, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. The Rapid Training Development phase involves the creation of learning materials for a course. This phase also involves the creation of learning systems. Learning materials are typically created by SMEs who are also involved with project management and content creation. The process takes between a few days and weeks. Most SMEs can do this without outside help.

SME are the primary content authors

Agile Learning allows SMEs to be the primary content creators for rapid learning development. Rapid learning refers to a process in which the content author applies a template to create an instructional course. It's especially useful for course updates. Rapid learning, as the name suggests, incorporates an agile framework that allows rapid response to demand and change.

Traditional eLearning development requires the collaboration between a Subject Matter Expert and an Instructional Designer. Generally, the Instructional Designer will write a storyboard and send it to the Subject Matter Expert for review and sign-off. The course is then built. Rapid eLearning development, on the other hand, allows the Subject Matter Expert to write content directly into an authoring tool. This drastically reduces the time it takes to develop.

elearning for educators

In a matter days or weeks, courses can be created

Rapid eLearning allows creators to create online courses in a matter of days or weeks. Rapid eLearning relies on performance-based learning objectives that align with business goals. Subject Matter experts verify the learning objectives before they can be implemented. They set the guidelines for course design, including content, interactivity, assessment, and design. Rapid eLearning is capable of building courses in as little time as two weeks. However, it's possible to complete the entire course development process within months or even years.

In the case of new FDA regulations, for instance, pharmaceutical companies could have just three months to train their staff. High turnover organizations require employees to be trained within days. Some critics claim that elearning can be too fast to provide quality instruction. However, the benefits of 20 per cent more effective learning may be greater than the lost revenue. For this reason, rapid e-learning should be used with caution.

Tools are available for rapid e-learning development

Rapid e-learning development can be costly, but it is possible to do it quickly. There are many authoring tools available. A tool that has a built in template library is the best option. It offers many templates with modern learning design elements as well as interactivities. These templates can also be used multiple times, which is a time- and cost-saving advantage for the author.

Rapid eLearning development tools utilize templates and other design elements that are found in other learning materials. Interactive learning materials allow learners to engage with the material on their own terms, as they can be used at their own pace. It is possible to import existing content and save time. Because of this, rapid e-learning development tools can help organizations create quality training materials in a fraction of the time. But how do these tools work? How do they differ from traditional methods?

what is e learning courses

SME are involved in project management

Effective courses can only be created with the support of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), so it is crucial to establish good working relationships early. Identify and communicate with the SMEs who are involved in your rapid development of training courses. Communicate with SMEs when they have to give feedback. One recent survey by Slack found that the biggest obstacle to collaboration was unclear communication. These are some tips that will make your SME feel valued.

SME are also more holistic in their market strategy. This helps them increase market share, and decrease the risk of selling to a few large customers. One company involved in agricultural processing identified demand areas and studied the market using SME expertise. They developed a strategy for go-to-market that was based on these findings.


How much multimedia should an eLearning class contain?

The answer will depend on what you want. It is better to have a shorter delivery time if you want to convey information quickly. But if your goal is to provide training that will teach people how to do something then less may be more.

The most important thing is to know what your goals are for your eLearning courses. Also, you need to know what your learners expect from the course. This will allow you to make sure you have enough content for your learners to reach their goals.

You can take this example:

You should include many examples of text documents to help people learn how to use Microsoft Word. If you are trying to teach people Excel, however, they will need to see many different types.

Also, consider whether or not you will use images or video to illustrate your concepts.

Video is great to show people how it works, but not so much for explaining complex topics. It's also very expensive to produce. Although images are less expensive to produce than videos, they convey the same emotion as video.

The bottom line is that you must think about your goals before you design an eLearning course.

Why do many prefer taking eLearning courses?

It is easy to see why. They are flexible. It's not necessary to be at class at a certain time and place. You can also learn online. These courses are also convenient because you can learn online without having to be distracted. They are also very affordable.

What does eLearning require?

E-learning takes a lot of effort and time. E-learning also requires an understanding about how people learn. The learning experience should be designed around what learners want to achieve.

The content must be interesting and relevant. Learning materials must include visual aids such videos, images, animations, interactive elements, and animations.

E-learning should be engaging and fun. It should put a lot of emphasis on motivating learners. This includes providing feedback for learners working hard to reach their goals and encouraging them.

What are some eLearning tools?

The most effective way to deliver learning content is by using interactive media such as video, audio, animation, etc.

These media allow learners interaction with the content. These media also improve learner engagement, retention, and motivation.

Many online courses can be delivered via websites that include text, graphics and sound.

These courses are available for free or for a nominal fee.

The following are examples of eLearning tools:

  • Online courses
  • Virtual classrooms
  • Webinars
  • Podcasts
  • Video tutorials
  • E-learning modules that you can self-program
  • Interactive
  • Social networking websites (SNS)
  • Blogs
  • Wikis
  • Discussion forums
  • Chat rooms
  • Email list
  • Forums
  • Quizzes
  • Polls
  • Questionnaires

What are the benefits of online learning for teachers and students?

E-learning provides both students with better learning outcomes and teachers with more flexibility. It allows learners to access information anywhere and anytime they want. E-learning offers educators the opportunity to engage with their students in ways that are not possible before using technology.

E-learning gives teachers the ability to provide personalized instruction and support students' progress. This encourages students to be more engaged and motivated. Teachers can also use e-learning for communication, collaboration, as well as critical thinking skills. Teachers can use it to improve their teaching by offering opportunities for reflection on other's experiences and self-reflection.

E-learning reduces the costs of training. A teacher might want to teach his/her class about a topic but doesn't have the money to buy books or materials. However, the same material may be available online so there's no need to buy it.


  • India's PC market clocks 9.2% growth to 3.4 million units in the September quarter (economictimes.indiatimes.com)
  • The UK sample was relatively balanced in terms of gender (56% male) compared to the Gambian group (77% male). (sciencedirect.com)
  • Hedonism incorporates intrinsic motivation, including novelty, challenge, excitement, and pleasure (Schwartz et al., 2012), which is likely to predict user perception of e-learning enjoyment. (sciencedirect.com)
  • Interestingly, students' participation in online training grew by 142% in the past year alone, indicating how quality education and up-to-date teaching pedagogy are preferred by learners and working professionals to upskill across India. (economictimes.indiatimes.com)

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Why is e-learning so important?

E-Learning allows companies to engage their employees at all levels. It allows them to share their knowledge with experts as well. This allows them both to remain competitive and provides valuable information.

E-Learning gives employees an opportunity to communicate with each other and create a sense of community.

E-Learning is growing in popularity due to its low cost and high efficiency. Employers have come to realize that they don’t need additional staff to train their employees.

The following are some of the benefits of using e-learning:

  1. Low cost – You don’t have to spend much on equipment such as projectors and computers. All you need to access the internet.
  2. E-Learning has a higher efficiency than traditional training methods.
  3. Flexibility – Employees can access e-learning from anywhere, anytime. Training is available online.
  4. Customization - The format of e-learning is customizable. It can be presented in whatever format best suits the needs and interests of the learners.
  5. Self-paced - Learners can work on it when they want to without having to worry about being graded.
  6. Interactive - E-learning allows learners to interact with each other through discussions and polls.
  7. Accessible - Anyone can access E-learning if they have an internet connection.
  8. Interactivity - Elearning encourages interaction between students and teachers. This makes learning fun and interesting.
  9. Relevance – Elearning is relevant and applicable to the learner’s current work. This means that he/she will be able to apply what he/she learns immediately after completing it.
  10. Social Learning - Elearning allows learners to exchange ideas and experience with one another. This encourages peer learning as well as collaboration.
  11. Collaboration - E-learning allows learners to collaborate with each other. This increases communication skills and teamwork.
  12. Individualized Learning - E-learning allows people to personalize their learning experience. This makes it more engaging and enjoyable.
  13. Online Communities – E-learning allows people to form virtual communities. This fosters a sense o belonging among them.
  14. Peer feedback - E-learning provides feedback to learners based upon how they perform. This motivates them to improve their performance.
  15. Repetition - E-learning can always be repeated.
  16. Portability – Elearning content can easily be accessed from different devices, including smartphones, tablets and laptops.
  17. Scalability - Elearning is easy to scale.
  18. Multimedia Content - Elearning uses multimedia content in order to enhance learning.
  19. Digital Library-E-learning offers digital libraries to learners where they can store their resources. These resources can be easily retrieved later.
  20. Mobile Learning – Now you can deliver E-learning via your mobile phone or tablet.
  21. Adaptive Learning: E-learning adapts according to individual learners' abilities.
  22. Gamification - Elearning integrates game elements into the learning process. This increases motivation and engagement.
  23. Virtual Classrooms - E-learning provides virtual classrooms where teachers and learners can communicate with each other.
  24. Realtime Communication - Elearning facilitates real time communication between students and teachers.
  25. Remote Learning-E-learning is conducted remotely by both the student and the teacher.
  26. Distance Education - E-learning is distance education because it takes place over a long period of time.
  27. Open Source Learning - Elearning uses open-source software to make it accessible and usable by everyone.


Rapid Training Development